
Face to face services

This service is provided by the hour and includes any emergency or possible help that the expatriate may need such as renewal of the driver’s...


Custom programs for corporate clients

These programs are carried out according to the client’s requirements and are offered by the hour. ✓ Corporate executive short program ✓ Corporate...


Decision prior to trip

✓   Country profile. ✓   Familiarization tour. ✓   House sampling. ✓   Sampling of schools and universities. ✓   Cost of living.


Search for house

✓ Needs assessment and international call. ✓ Temporary living arrangements. ✓ Housing information in Colombia. ✓ Familiarization tour. ✓ Home search...


Temporary accommodation

✓   Hotel or Aparthotel information. ✓   Property search. ✓   Lease negotiation. ✓   Cleaning services coordination. ✓   Repair coordination.


Complementary services on housing search

Lease management ✓ Payment of rent and utilities. ✓ Management of rented property. ✓ Single point of contact for repairs. ✓ Others. Public services...


Cultural training

✓   Intercultural communication ✓   Sociocultural environments ✓   Culture clashes ✓   Cultural adaptation ✓   Cultural values ✓   Colombian business etiquette


Search for schools and universities

✓ Assessment of needs. ✓ Accompanied visits to kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities. ✓ Accompanied visits to language schools ✓...


Medical tourism

✓ Information on medical options according to customer needs ✓ Coordination of medical appointments ✓ Temporary housing or recovery houses ✓ Visits...

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